Friday, February 8, 2013

Social Media

I believe that eventually social media systems will take over our lives. More businesses and regular people are using social media websites to contact each other and advertise. Twitter has an average of 1 million new accounts made everyday. It also is expected to make over 500 million dollars off of advertising by 2014. I found that college students that use social media systems like twitter and facebook have an average of .5 better GPA than college students that don't. I found this to be interesting because it seems like most people use the social media systems to contact friends, which seems like it could be a distraction to their study's.
I found a post that shows how the main disadvantage of social media systems can be stalkers and bullying. On almost all social media systems you can change your privacy settings, but many people have found that this still isn't enough to keep private. The other disadvantage is cyber bullying. There are many advantages to social media too. People can contact each other without having to call or send a letter or text. It is also a good way for businesses to contact other businesses out of the country.
Social media is good in the classroom to contact teachers for questions on online courses. Smart phones are used more than ever in colleges. In one picture i found on Pinterest, it shows that over 75% of college students not doing school work are on their smartphones. Less than 1% percent of the students with smartphones don't use them during break. The other 24% answered that they are sometimes on their phones during break. I think that once I reach college it will be up to 95% of the students using smartphones during break.

 "Edudemic." Edudemic. Edudemic, 28 June 2012. Web. 08 Feb. 2013.

 "Twitter 2012." Infographic Labs. The Blog Herald, 2 June 2012. Web. 08 Feb. 2013.

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