Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Online Research


South African police caught 19 suspected members of the Congolese rebel group who were accused of planning to overthrow the government. The police statement said those arrested would face charges of violating South Africa's Foreign Military Assistance Act. This act prevents people from plotting coups or mercenary activities in foreign nations. Authorities offered information Tuesday about whether those arrested belonged to M23, which seized and later withdrew last year from Congo's eastern city of Goma. Local media initially reported the South African Police Service identified those arrested as belonging to M23.The M23 is a group of Congolese and rebel soldiers that have assaulted and raped many women in late 2012. They also have used children as soldiers and conducting summary executions.

I find it interesting how the police are able to find a secret group. I wonder if someone turned them in or if they were caught in the act. I'm most suprised about how the Congo rebels are still using children as soldiers. 
                                                                                     This is a picture of a child put into                                                                                      the Congolese army.

Gambrell, John. "South African Police Arrest Alleged Congo Rebels." Huffington Post, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 6 Feb. 2013.


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