Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mine Shooting

The guards had fired rubber bullets into the ground in self-defence and contradicted the police tally, saying only two miners had been hit and three more injured in the commotion.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Vietnam Poaching

So far this year, South Africa has lost more than 290 rhinos, an average of at least two a day. Poachers have gone high-tech, using helicopters, silencers and night vision goggles to meet the growing demand for rhino horn in East Asia, especially Vietnam. Last year in Vietnam, rhino horn sold for up to $1,400 an ounce, which is about the price of gold.

BK in South Africa

The company that gave America the Bacon Sundae opened with a big splash in South Africa – but no bacon. Burger King South Africa CEO Jaye Sinclair says people lined up for hours at the weekend launch in the coastal resort of Cape Town.But a few customers called Talk Radio 702 Monday to complain there were no bacon dishes and ask why the company was catering to a minority. Sinclair said the company respects South Africa's multicultural society and doesn't want to limit its customers.
Official South African statistics show that religious groups that do not eat pork here include 11 percent of the 48 million people who belong to the indigenous Zion Christian Church, Muslims making up 1.5 percent of the population and Jews 0.2 percent.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

South Africa Losing against Corruption

South Africa is fighting a losing battle against corruption which sucked up nearly 1 billion rand ($111 million) in taxpayers’ money last year, according to a new report that contradicts government statements that efforts to stamp out financial misconduct are going well.
“Corruption is rampant,” the author of the report, financial forensics expert Peter Allwright, said Friday. “It’s out of control and the dedicated units that have been created to fight financial misconduct are in essence fighting a losing battle.”
South Africa has scandals about misuse of government money and power — in one of the latest, taxpayers forked out around 250 million rand (nearly $28 million) on upgrades to President Jacob Zuma’s private residence in his home village, including three new houses, a sewerage treatment plant and an underground bunker.

"Africa." Washington Post. N.p., 03 May 2013. Web. 07 May 2013.